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The Truth Behind Wizarding Spells

        As I mentioned in the previous post, wizarding spells are, 99% of the time, derived from Latin words. Here are some well-known spells and their English meanings. Most spells are from Latin though there are a few exceptions. We'll start off with a personal favorite:

Expecto Patronum-I expect a guardian 
Lumos-Latin for light 
Nox-Latin for night 
Imperius-Modification of impero, meaning I order
Crucio-Modification of cruciare, meaning crucify/torture
Avada Kedavra-From Aramaic abracadabra, meaning let the thing be destroyed, the thing being life
Expelliarmus-Expel means to throw out, and armus is Latin for arm
Sectumsempra-Sectum means to cut, and sempra is close to semper, meaning always 
Stupefy-Similar to Latin stupeo, 'to be stunned'
Accio-Modification of accerso, Latin for to summon
Aguamenti-Aqua means water, and augmen means growth
Alohomora-West African word meaning 'friendly to thieves'
Impedimenta-Latin for burden, though the spell in fact slows to victim
Wingardium Leviosa- Wing invokes flight, ard means steep, and levi means levitate (ard and levi are from Latin)
Protego-Latin for 'I cover, defend'
Obliviate-Derived from Medieval Latin obliviscor, which means 'I forget'
Riddikulus-Close to English ridiculous and Latin ridiculum in both meaning and pronunciation, means laughable
Reparo-Latin for 'I restore'
Levicorpus-Levi means levitate in Latin, and corpus means body in Latin
Incendio-From Latin incendo, meaning 'I set fire to'
Priori Incantatem-Priori means prior, and incantatem comes from a Latin ford meaning to sing or recite (similar to present-day English incantation)
Confundo-Modification of confundere, Latin for confuse/mix
Homenum Revelio-Derived from hominis (man) and revelare (to reveal)

        These are just a few important spells used throughout the series. You will see many spells with similar English equivalents. That's it for today!


What Other's Enjoyed

Diwali is here!

               Hi everyone! Sorry I didn't post in a long time. It's November, and in India, people are getting ready for Diwali, the sweet festival of lights. Diwali is a festival celebrated in honor of Prince Rama, his brother Laxman, and Rama's wife, Sita's return after exile. Diwali is also the festival of lights. This time, I bought clay diyas and painted them. Diyas are oil lamps. In India, people are buying sparklers, fireworks, and other kinds of crackers. Houses are cleaned, new clothes are bought, and sweets are made and bought. here are some photos of Diwali: Happy Diwali/Thanksgiving, everyone!

A Rainbow of Tragedy

Anger is red Beautiful and deadly It wreaks havoc With no determined end Passion is orange All-consuming and blind It drives you forward Until the ground gives way Content is yellow Peaceful and bright It lures you in An enchanting dream Sickness is green Disgusting and vile It holds you in its death grip Fingers tightening like a noose Hope is blue Mirror of the sky It keeps you afloat Makes you soar Indigo is fear Irrational and deep It pulls you back A shadow in your mind Pride is violet Arrogance and ego It chains you to the top With silver words and golden trophies Death is black Dark and empty It counts down like a bomb An ugly truth White is life Pure and unadulterated It’s a million miracles A beautiful lie


Fear We keep it to ourselves Even as it plagues us in our slumber Even when it rises with the morning sun Anger We explode with our emotions An uncontrollable reality Of what we can become Rumination Fruitless nights spent on thoughts that collide A tendency to look At the half-empty glass And you ask why I can't sleep?