As I mentioned in the previous post, wizarding spells are, 99% of the time, derived from Latin words. Here are some well-known spells and their English meanings. Most spells are from Latin though there are a few exceptions. We'll start off with a personal favorite: Expecto Patronum - I expect a guardian Lumos -Latin for light Nox -Latin for night Imperius -Modification of impero , meaning I order Crucio - Modification of cruciare , meaning crucify/torture Avada Kedavra -From Aramaic abracadabra , meaning let the thing be destroyed , the thing being life Expelliarmus - Expel means to throw out , and armus is Latin for arm Sectumsempra - Sectum means to cut, and sempra is close to semper , meaning always Stupefy -Similar to Latin stupeo , 'to be stunned' Accio -Modification of accerso , Latin for to summon Aguamenti - Aqua means water , and augmen means growth Alohomora -West African word mea...
where my imagination takes flight.