Frozen ! is a unique animated movie from Walt Disney. It is about two princesses: Elsa and Anna, Elsa having magical powers. After an unfortunate incident, Elsa and Anna were separated to protect Anna and the kingdom, since Elsa's powers posed as a threat. After the king and queen perished in a shipwreck, Elsa was coronated queen. At the coronation ball, Anna grew stubborn and made a mistake that made Elsa flee from the kingdom and trapped Arendelle [the kingdom] in eternal winter. Anna, realizing her mistake, sets of to find her sister. It is Anna's determination, courage and love that reunites the sisters. Frozen is unique because unlike other Disney Princesses movies, when a price comes and saves the princess and they get married, blah, blah, blah while Frozen has a prince that turns into a traiter Frozen is a must-see movie for people who love their families and sister[s].